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Reality - Collection

A three-piece collection created in wire and acrylic. Each piece shows the controlling powers of others and the damage that can come from such manipulation. This is one of the earliest 3D collections of mine and there is a strong focus on lighting within them.

It's okay because

It's Okay Because: 
October 2019
3d Mixed media on MDF
40cm X 40cm

Entitled to do what they want!!!

We will not be

We Will Not Be:
July 2019
3d Mixed media on MDF
40cm X 40cm

That one presence that controls all others.

Any of these

Any Of These: Image 3
July 2019
3d Mixed media on MDF
40cm X 40cm

Anyone can be that someone! We never know when they'll walk into our lives and destroy everything.

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Copyright © 2011-2021 Andrew William Gregory. All rights reserved. 

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